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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/08/23 They Could Not Blush Jim Smelser N/A Sun AM Jeremiah_6.pptx 2023-01-08_THEY_COULD_NOT_BLUSH.mp3
01/01/23 Examine Our Ways Kevin Stilts N/A Sun AM ExamineOurWays.pptx 2023-01-01_EXAMINE_OUR_WAYS.mp3
12/25/22 Extreme Christianity Mike Cantrell N/A Sun AM Extreme_Christianity.pptx 2022-12-25_EXTREME_CHRISTIANITY.mp3
12/11/22 Satan's Lies vs The Truth of God Kevin Massengill N/A Sun AM 2022-12-11_SATANS_LIES_VS._THE_TRUTH_OF_GOD.mp3
12/04/22 Let It Go Zach Groce N/A Sun AM 2022-12-04_LET_IT_GO.mp3
11/27/22 Thankfulness Bruce Parker N/A Sun AM 2022-11-27_THANKFULNESS.mp3
11/20/22 Are You A Fool? Nate Paden N/A Sun AM Foolishness.pptx 2022-11-20_ARE_YOU_A_FOOL.mp3
11/13/22 Is Your Light Hidden? Kevin Stilts N/A Sun AM Is_Your_Light_Hidden.pptx 2022-11-13_SUN_IS_YOUR_LIGHT_HIDDEN.mp3
11/06/22 Praying with Confidence Mark Pence N/A Sun AM Sermon_PP_Presentation_Praying_with_Confidence.pptx 2022-11-06_SUN_PRAYING_WITH_CONFIDENCE.mp3
10/30/22 Progressive Sanctification David Groce N/A Sun AM PROGRESSIVE_SANCTIFICATION.pptx 2022-10-30_SUN_PROGRESSIVE_SANTIFICATION.mp3
10/23/22 The Faith of Abraham Adam Clark N/A Sun AM Faith_of_Abraham.pptx 2022-10-23_SUN_FAITH_LIKE_ABRAHAM.mp3
10/16/22 Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death Kerry Tooley N/A Sun AM Going_through_the_Valley_of_the_Shadow_of_Death_Sunday_16_October_2022_College_View_Church_of_Chirst_ppt.pptx 2022-10-16_SUN_WALKING_THROUGH_THE_VALLEY.mp3
10/09/22 Restoring Our Spiritual Passion Eddie Paden N/A Sun AM Restoring_Our_Spiritual_Passion.pptx 2022-10-09_SUN_RESTORING_OUR_SPIRITUAL_PASSION.mp3
10/02/22 The Word of God or the word of a liar: which will you believe? Mike Cantrell N/A Sun AM The_Word_of_God_or_the_word_of_A_liar.pptx 2022-10-02_SUN_THE_WORD_OF_GOD_OR_THE_WORD_OF_A_LIAR._WHICH_WILL_YOU_BELIEVE.mp3
09/25/22 What Is Faith? Jim Smelser N/A Sun AM Faith.pdf 2022-09-25_WHAT_IS_FAITH.mp3
09/11/22 The Two Builders Nate Paden N/A Sun AM The_Two_Builders.pptx 2022-09-11_THE_TWO_BUILDERS.mp3
09/04/22 Peru Report Eddie Paden N/A Sun AM Peru_2022.pptx 2022-09-04_PERU_REPORT.mp3
08/28/22 What is Your Purpose? (Self-doubt) Zach Groce N/A Sun AM Zach_Sermon_Self_Doubt_PP.pptx 2022-08-28_SUN_AM_WHAT_IS_YOUR_PURPOSE.mp3
08/21/22 Are You a Prepper? Kevin Massengill N/A Sun AM 2022-08-21_SUN_AM_ARE_YOU_A_PREPPER.mp3 Are_you_a_Prepper_21AUG22.pptx
08/14/22 Shining as Lights (in the area of submission) Kevin Stilts N/A Sun AM ShiningAsLights-Submission.pptx 2022-08-14_SUN_AM_SHINING_AS_A_LIGHT.mp3
08/07/22 Sing to the Lord Nate Paden N/A Sun AM Sing_to_the_Lord.pptx 2022-08-07_AM_SING_TO_THE_LORD.mp3
07/31/22 Avoiding Evil Mark Pence N/A Sun AM Sermon_PP_Presentation_-_Avoiding_evil.pptx 2022-07-31_AM_AVOIDING_EVIL.mp3
07/17/22 What Causes Our Lights to Fail Adam Clark N/A Sun AM What_Causes_Our_Light_to_Fail.pptx 2022-07-17_AM_WHAT_CAUSES_OUR_LIGHTS_TO_FAIL.mp3
07/10/22 Our Mission (Matt. 28:16-20) Jim Smelser N/A Sun AM 2022-07-10_AM_OUR_MISSION.mp3 Our_Mission.pptx
07/03/22 What Must I Do To Obtain Eternal Life? Kerry Tooley N/A Sun AM 2022-07-03_SUN_WHAT_MUST_I_DO_TO_OBTAIN_ETERNAL_LIFE.mp3 The_Rich_Young_Ruler.pptx

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