Sermons/Bible Studies

Sermons/Bible Studies

Displaying 426 - 450 of 1842

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/20/22 Jesus The Serpent Doug Lancaster Gospel Meeting Spring Bible Series Sun AM Jesus_the_Serpent.pptx 2022-03-20_SUN_AM_JESUS_THE_SERPENT.mp3
03/20/22 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Doug Lancaster Gospel Meeting Spring Bible Series Sun Bible Study Jesus_Jesus_Jesus.pptx 2022-03-20_SUN_AM_JESUS_JESUS_JESUS.mp3
03/16/22 Church History: Calvinism and Restoration Movement pt 1 Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_9_03162022.pptx 2022-03-16_WED_CHURCH_HISTORY-RESTORATION.mp3
03/13/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Diligence Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson11.pptx 2022-03-13_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER.mp3
03/13/22 Reviving Our Weak Faith Bruce Parker Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-03-13_SUN_AM_REVIVING_OUR_WEAK_FAITH.mp3
03/09/22 Church History: 14th - 16th Century Reformation Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_8_03092022.pptx 2022-03-09_WED_CHURCH_HISTORY-_REFORMATION_15-16_CENTURY.mp3
03/06/22 The Way of the Wise Amir Allen Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Way_Of_The_Wise.pptx 2022-03-06_SUN_AM_THE_WAY_OF_THE_WISE.mp3
03/06/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Maturity & Kindness Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson10.pptx 2022-03-06_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER.mp3
03/02/22 Church History: Apostasy (12th - 13th Century) & Reformation Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_7_03022022.pptx 2022-03-02_WED_CHURCH_HISTORY.mp3
02/27/22 The God Who Loves The Weak Eddie Paden Sermon N/A Sun AM The_God_who_loves_the_weak.pptx 2022-02-27_THE_GOD_WHO_LOVES_THE_WEAK.mp3
02/27/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Respect & Maturity Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson9.pptx 2022-02-27_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER-_MATURITY.mp3
02/23/22 Church History: Apostasy (12th - 13th Century) Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_6_02232022.pptx 2022-02-23_CHURCH_HISTORY_-_APOSTASY_12TH_-_13TH_CENTURY.mp3
02/20/22 Giving Up Well-Doing and Giving Into Sin JD Espinoza Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-20-20_SUN_DO_NOT_GROW_WEARY_IN_DOING_GOOD.mp3 Sermon_5_When_we_feel_like_giving_up_Final.pptx
02/20/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Humility & Respect Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson8.pptx 2022-02-20_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER-_RESPECT.mp3
02/16/22 Church History: Apostasy (8th - 13th Century) Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_5_02162022.pptx 2022-02-16_CHURCH_HISTORY-_APOSTASY_8TH-13TH_CENTURY.mp3
02/13/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Moral Purity & Humility Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson7.pptx 2022-02-13_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER-_HUMILITY.mp3
02/13/22 Communicating with Love Kevin Massengill Sermon N/A Sun AM Communicating_with_Love_13FEB22.pptx 2022-02-13_SUN_COMMUNICATION.mp3
02/09/22 Church History: Apostasy (4th - 7th Century) Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_4_02082022.pptx 2022-02-09_CHURCH_HISTORY-_APOSTASY_4TH-7TH_CENTURY.mp3
02/06/22 Christian Growth Nate Paden Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-02-06_SUN_CHRISTIAN_GROWTH.mp3 Christian_Growth.pptx
02/06/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Compassion & Moral Purity Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson6.pptx 2022-02-06_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER-_COMPASSION__MORAL_PURITY.mp3
02/02/22 Church History: Elders & Bishops Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_3_02022022.pptx 2022-02-02_WED_CHURCH_HISTORY-_ELDERS__BISHOPS.mp3
01/30/22 Imagine Man As God Envisioned Kevin Stilts Sermon N/A Sun AM Imagine_Man_as_God_Envisioned.pptx 2022-01-30_SUN_AM_IMAGE-_IMAGINE_MAN_AS_GOD_ENVISIONED.mp3
01/30/22 Developing Positive Christian Character: Integrity & Compassion Kevin Stilts Sunday Bible Studies Developing Positive Christian Character Sun Bible Study DevelopingPositiveChristianCharacter_Lesson5.pptx 2022-01-30_SUN_AM_DEVELOPING_POSITIVE_CHRISTIAN_CHARACTER-_INTEGRITY__COMPASSION.mp3
01/26/22 Church History: Persecution Adam Clark Wednesday Bible Studies Church History Wed Bible Study Church_History_Lesson_2_01262022.pptx 2022-01-26_WED_CHURCH_HISTORY-_PERSECUTION.mp3
01/23/22 Changes Mark Pence Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-01-23_SUN_AM_CHANGES.mp3 Sermon_PP_Presentation_-_Changes.pptx

Displaying 426 - 450 of 1842

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